Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

Uzahaonline mudah ?

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anda bisa memulai bisnis usaha online dan meraih

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Kamis, 01 April 2010

Klik - baca artikel - dolar masuk deh ke kocek kita !

Mau coba ??
Klik - "baca artikel" - masuk deh  "dollar"  ke kocek kita !
Silakan klik disini

readbud - get paid to read and rate articles

How Article Services Help Your Article Marketing Strategy

Article services can give your article marketing a massive boost by providing you with professionally written articles that you would struggle to write yourself and still maintain the other 101 things needed to maintain a profitable online business.

This is not to suggest that you cannot write articles yourself - of course you can - but it can be time-consuming to write in a manner that attracts readers, keeps them reading and then compels them to click the links in your resource to reach your website.

Sure, you can do that yourself, but do you have the time? Likely not, because most people heavily involved with an online business want to spend their time developing their websites, expanding their product range, writing their autoresponder replies and perhaps even squeeze pages and free courses and reports. What time is left to write compelling articles and submit them? Next to none!

Article services can do that for you - not only write your articles but also submit them. However, there is always an associated cost, and you have to determine what the cost of your article services are in respect of the benefits you receive. There are two basic ways of looking at this, and while it is not possible to quantify them for individual cases, you can at least consider them with respect to yourself, individually.

1. Saving Time

It takes time to write a good article. Those that claim to teach you how to write a great winning article in 15 minutes are taking nonsense. You might write 300 words about your product, but that won't impress anybody, and won't be accepted by many of the important directories that require a minimum 500 word count or even more.

Also, can you write compellingly? Can you persuade a reader that your product is better than the next guys without being allowed to mention your product or even your website? It doesn't sound that easy does it. You won't learn that skill quickly! How long will it take? I know people that work for an hour or more on a 500 word article just to get the spelling and grammar right!

Spelling counts a great deal, and a spell checker won't tell that 'there' should be 'their' or the difference between any other homonym. In spite of what you have heard, grammar also counts with a number of people. An article with no errors in its grammar will attract more visitors to the link on the resource than the same article full of schoolboy errors. That's a fact, not an opinion!

So, how long will it take you? Figure that out against the cost of the article from a site offering professional article services. If the money spent is worth the time saved, then it makes sense. If not, then it doesn't. Your choice, but it is a logical and economic one as all business choices should be - not based upon opinion but on facts.

2. Now for the benefits. 

You cannot assess the true worth of the time saved by using articles services for your article marketing strategy until you are fully aware of the benefits. There are four main benefits:

a) You can submit your article to directories and ezines. For each of these that accept your article you will receive a share of the PageRank of the web page on which your article is published. Forget the PR published for the home page of each directory - that is irrelevant because you get a share only of the page on which your article is published based upon the other outgoing links from that page. However, it improves your Google PageRank score.

b) Contrary to what many believe, visitors to article directories read the articles. You can get several hundred people reading your article each month if the title attracts them.

c) Many people use published articles as content for their websites. This is particularly popular with those that use Adsense and other contextual advertising systems to monetize pages on their sites. To do so, they must also include your resource that publishes your website links, so you get Google PageRank points from the links back to your website from the page on which your article has been used.

d) Naturally, anybody visiting that other website can click on your links and visit a page on your website. That page must lead readers to a page that relates to the topic of the article you have written, and also contain a link at least to your home page.

All in all, when you consider the benefits of article marketing and the amount, not only of traffic, but also of Google PageRank it can give you, then it might make sense to use professional article services to have your article written professionally.

A professional article will be more likely to attract readers and keep them on the page till they click on your link. After that it is up to you, but the same service can also be used to provide the content that will them keep the visitor on that page and perhaps even purchase your products or services.

Is it worth it to you? That is for you to decide, but just as you would consider professional SEO services, advertising services and emailing services as possibilities to help you market your business, so article marketing is an aspect of advertising that good, professional article services can look after for you, leaving you to do what you do best. Make money!

Manchester Website Design - Using A Good Manchester Web Design Company

Those of you who want to become very successful on the internet should make sure that you use the best Manchester website design company that you can find. You have to look at several things when you are choosing a Manchester web design company. You need to make sure that you get a website that is professional in quality, functions well and is user friendly. You want to be sure that those who come to your website are not confused by how it works, are not frustrated because it does not load properly or are not turned off by a poor quality website. When you use a professional Manchester website design company, you can be assured of getting a professional website that will make you feel proud of your business and also instill trust in your visitors.

However, visitors are not customers when it comes to your website. You need to get as many visitors as you can to your website so that you can convert them to customers. Having a high quality web design will make people feel more comfortable about doing business with you online, but it does not draw the visitors. You should take a look at a Manchester web design company that will not only create a website for you that will make your visitors trust your business by the design and the way that the site operates, but also one that will draw the visitors in the first place so that they can be converted to customers when they find your website online.

A good Manchester website design company will be able to draw visitors to your site by using keywords and search engine optimization. SEO is very important on all of the content in your website which is why you need to choose a good Manchester web design company that understands this concept. Everything on your website should be optimized for the search engines that will pick up keywords from photo tags, videos, and content and display it in the search engine results pages. Even if you are using pay per click ads to try to get customers to your site, you are only getting about 30 percent of the traffic that you can get online. The bulk of the traffic to your website will come from the search engines as people put in keywords and phrases that they need in order to find what they are looking for. You can use a Manchester website design company that will provide you with both high quality website design so that customers will want to shop with you as well as one that will provide you with well written, quality search engine optimized content that will bring visitors to your site. You can find a Manchester web design company that will provide you with these services and more for your business that will help your business get started with a bang or even turn around and start becoming successful right on the internet that will provide you with all of your needs.

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The Sponsoring Formula That Always Gets Mlm Signups

The Sponsoring Formula That Always
Gets Mlm Signups

This might sound like an illusion. Or, you might think it's impossible. To you, the thought of discovering an MLM "recruiting formula" that always works might be a far-off idea. In fact, lots of trainers teach their people that no such thing exists.
But the truth is, there is a specific process that happens each time an MLM entrepreneur sponsors a new person into his downline. Whether you are aware of it or not, every sponsor goes through this exact process or "formula". The specifics of the sponsor-client interaction may be different in any situation, but the pattern remains intact always.
The great thing about MLM leaders and power networkers is that they have learned to identify and break down this process/formula/interaction path (or whichever you want to call it). They polished and perfected each step, and by doing so, they increase the likelihood of signing up more people to their team. Here's the four step formula for you:

FIND - It's really funny because most networkers don't really attempt to "find" their ideal customer or business partner. They just tell all their friends, then advertise endlessly without some sort of direction or purpose. To "find" your true prospects, you have to sit within the target market/audience that will benefit most from your product and business opportunity. Offline, this means attending events and going to places where people who are interested in MLM opportunities are most likely to go. Online, this means visiting discussion forums, blogs, communities, and other lairs where your ideal customers usually go. If you don't do this initial stage correctly, your chances for MLM success is grim.

MEET - Once you locate your source of prospects, start by zeroing in on a single person. How do you approach this prospect? If you're offline, would you directly approach and give a business card? Or if you're doing business over the internet, would you instantly bombard him with affiliate links and offers about your opportunity? I found that most networkers botch this part. Their method of meeting prospects is pushy and repelling. For internet MLM entrepreneurs, the "meet" phase corresponds to the time when one of your website visitors subscribe to your newsletter or online mailing list. The best thing to do at this point is to remove fear and allow people to relax. That's it. There are lots of techniques involved in meeting people, and you need to learn them.

ATTRACT - Once fear is removed and prospects are now relaxed with you, it is now time to attract them to you and your business. To do this, you have to understand human nature and the specific needs of your prospect. When you do and say things that tap into their psychological triggers and present a solution to their needs, they have no choice but to do business with you. This is not manipulative. This is how business is done. This is how people help people.

CLOSE - After desire has been built, it is now time to aid the prospect make an affirmative decision. Notice that you don't make the decision for him, but you help him do it for himself. What's wrong with some network marketers is that they try to rob the prospect of his right to decide for himself. Prospects (and people in general) usually don't like being superseded when it comes to making decisions. They want to do it for themselves. So to get a yes answer, remove yourself out of the picture and focus on helping the other person decide. Play the role of a trusted adviser, a friend, and a confidante.

There are many techniques interwoven within this four step sponsoring system (Find-Meet-Attract-Close). I'll show them all to you when you visit my website today.
This article was written with the hope of helping other MLM entrepreneurs get the most out of their business, and life in general. As you go out to meet prospects and secure to yourself a bright financial future, keep the above mentioned tips in mind, and you will succeed.
Source :

Make Money Online - Welcome To Affiliate Marketing

Make Money Online - Welcome To Affiliate Marketing

Welcome to the wonderful world of Affiliate Marketing.  With the right information, it is the easiest and quickest way for a retiree or anyone else to make extra money online.
You heard it right, affiliate marketing is the quickest and easiest way to earn a fortune on the internet.  But please bear in mind that quickest doesn't mean overnight and easiest doesn't mean that you don't have to exert any effort.  Rather, affiliate marketing presents a wonderful opportunity that offers the following things:

'¢ Minimum to zero financial investment needed to start out;
'¢ A wide variety of programs to choose from;
'¢ Unlimited number of affiliate programs to join;
'¢ Extravagant commissions ranging from 20% to 90% of the selling price;
'¢ You're not handcuffed by time, you can work at your own pace;
'¢ Get paid as you produce results with no limit as to how much you can earn.

These are great benefits and millions of online users have tried their hands at affiliate marketing because of these benefits.  But, the simple fact is, a great number of them fail. And the majority of them won't even earn a single buck from their efforts.

Why?  It's not because affiliate marketing as a system is flawed.  It's because they did not use tried and tested strategies in their campaigns.  A sad fact is that most of the people who fail at affiliate marketing are not even aware of them.  Affiliate marketing is all about bringing a buyer and a seller together.  And along the way, make a generous commission for doing that.
The problem that most marketers have is They Try To Sell The Product.  That is not the job of an internet marketer.  His job is to prepare the buyer to make a buying decision, then connect the buyer and the seller.  It took months and months of failure to learn this fact.  It is still hard for me to pre-sell a product because my mindset sometimes goes salesman rather than marketer.
There are some other causes of failure that new marketers face.  Those include such things as offering a product of inferior quality (all of us have bought an e-book that was trash), picking a product that was difficult to sell or getting into an affiliate program that failed to pay or paid low commissions.  In the beginning, when we were all new, it was easy to make mistakes that turned out to be costly.  The absolute easiest way to avoid these killer mistakes is to learn from a successful internet marketer.

There are two great e-books by one of the masters of internet marketing that addresses these issues.  I was so impressed that I bought resell rights to them.  These two comprehensive volumes aim to become the ULTIMATE resources for online affiliates all over the world.  The first volume is all you need to become a successful affiliate marketer.  They covers the important steps of:

The Starting Point
Choosing The Right Program
The Tools Of The Trade
All About Affiliate Links
Website Models You Can Copy
Making It Your Own
The Grind For It All, and
Web 2.0 tactics

As a new affiliate marketer, or you just want to tweak your programs, you will be introduced to the knowledge that many marketers are simply not aware of.  These concepts, that will in turn introduce some magical techniques that, when practiced, will almost always guarantee success for your affiliate marketing campaigns.

And by simply knowing these concepts, you will have an advantage when you implement them for your online business?

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010


  AddThis Social Bookmark Button
Selamat Datang di Website kami 
pintu gerbang  untuk mencapai sukses bersama
Anda mau punya usaha sampingan ? Cukup dikerjakan dirumah saja !!
Modal Kecil - Mudah dan Murah

Inginkah Anda kami tunjukkan

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Rp.5 jt ? Rp.15 jt? atau lebih ?

hanya dari usaha online dimulai

dengan modal kecil saja?

Akan kami tunjukkan hari ini juga dan Anda dalam 7 hari
bisa mulai bisnis dan meraih jutaan rupiah ...
asal tahu caranya ! 

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

SEO Tips That the Experts Don't Always Tell You !

SEO Tips That the Experts Don’t Always Tell You!

by Stefan Töpfer on Feb 24, 2010
Many Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consultants and companies have theories about the best SEO tactics, but they don’t always back them up with proven experiments.

I came across one company from Canada which took SEO optimisation into their own hands and learned through experience and extensive testing a few proven ways to boost Google’s rankings of your website.

1. Encourage other sites to link to yours – this may be a well known strategy but it can’t be reinforced enough. Consider joining forces with other companies in your industry “food chain” offering to add a link of their site on your webpage in exchange for a link of your site on their webpage.
2. Leverage Social Bookmarking – Google trusts sites more if visitors bookmark them. The growth of social bookmarking services, such as or StumbleUpon, makes this relatively easy to do. Install the “Add This” button on each web page so visitors can bookmark your site easily.
3. Post videos that are relevant to search terms – YouTube has proven that video is a powerful attention grabber. It doesn’t have to be fancy or high-budget. A simple 30-90 sec “how to” video that’s relevant to your search term can have a big impact on your SEO optimization.
4. Keep Google in the loop – consider sending Google an XML sitemap which shows your site’s coding each time you make an update. Google will help you correct any errors in your sitemap to make its indexing more accurate and will crawl your site more often if you routinely send it sitemap updates.
5. Optimise each page to a search term – if you have titled all of your title tags the same then Google is less likely to realize you have a page full of content for someone searching for information on, say, “small business infrastructure.” By putting a search term in each title tag this allows you to focus the content of each page and labeling on specific keywords.
6. Have photos and label them – a web page with a photo relevant to a given search will outrank the same page without one, providing you label the photo with the appropriate tag. For example, “small_business_bookkeeping.jpg” instead of a digital camera’s default “123.jpg” will be more effective. As well, be sure to run the same keywords in the “alt text” tag that lets you describe the image for the visually impaired. So many leave these tags blank, but Google indexes them and rewards pages on which a search term appears more often.

There you have it. These simple suggestions have been proven by one company in Canada and I’m sure they could work for every small business interested in getting their site to the top of the Google search listings!
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Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

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Computer home business

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010


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Guruh Soekarno Putra
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Miliki Bisnisnya, Gapai Impian Anda

Miliki Bisnisnya, Gapai Impian Anda

Selayaknya Anda bisa hidup lebih baik lagi dari sekarang ini.. Percayalah Tuhan tidak membatasi Rezeki seseorang. Siapapun Anda, Apapun latar belakang Anda mempunyai Hak yang sama dalam menggapai Impiannya.. ...mau menggapai mimpi klik

Peluang Usaha di Marketplace - Facebook

Extra Income
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Jobless ? Mau jadi Agen Pulsa
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Senin, 01 Maret 2010


MENJADI LUNAK DAN KEBUTUHAN ANDA TERPENUHI..............baca lebih lanjut klik disini
Alhamdulillah, bulan oktober ini kita sudah menyalurkan dana sebesar Rp.300.000 kepada panti asuhan Hasanuddin di Bungah - Gresik.semoga amal ibadah kita di terima Allah SWT.Amien......

Marketplace di Facebook ?

Looking for the Right Gig:
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Why? Facebook buat sarana usaha ? Langkah-langkahnya sbb:(1). Pls gabung di group BISNIS KELAS UKM untuk berbagi info(2).Undang rekan/teman untuk bergabung di groups ini(3). Mau langsung usaha? klik atau atau
Category: Jobs : Human Resources & Recruiting
Posted: 5 days ago in Jakarta, Indonesia
Description: Facebook buat sarana usaha ? Langkah-langkahnya sbb:(1). Pls gabung di group BISNIS KELAS UKM untuk berbagi info(2).Undang rekan/teman untuk bergabung di groups ini(3). Mau langsung usaha? klik atau atau

Bisnis Keagenan Pulsa DBS


Anda mau berbisnis sebagai agen pulsa ? ada lebih 5 juta pesawat HP saat ini - tentunya semuanya membutuhkan PULSA.........bergabunglah menjadi member DBS untuk keterangan  lebih rinci silakan klik di  gunakan user id = DBS2146698 dan password = baratajaya   
selanjutnya baca testimoni dibawah ini, dari para tokoh masyarakat dan para artis yang telah bergabung dalam bisnis Keagenan Pulsa DBS


Bapak bangsa Indonesia, Penggali Pancasila Bung karno mengajarkan bahwa Pancasila falsafah & dasar negara kita yang terdiri dari lima sila itu, dapat diperas menjadi Trisila, yaitu: 1.Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa 2.Sosio Nasionalisme 3.Sosio Demokrasi. Tiga sila dapat diperas lagi menjadi Ekasila (1 sila) yakni: Gotong-Royong. Jadi dapat kita katakan bahwa jiwa & semangat gotong royong adlh jiwa & semangat Pancasila. Saya berpendapat bahwa sistem usaha yang dilakukan di DFI ini adlh sesuai dgn jiwa dan semangat Pancasila yakni gotong royong. Oleh karena itulah saya dgn semangat pula turut berperan serta dalam kegiatan ini. Bahkan saya mengajak, mengimbau dan menganjurkan sebanyak-banyaknya Saudara-saudara sebangsa dan setanah air untuk turut pula berperan serta. Dengan bergabung di DBS kita dapat berbuat banyak kemaslahatan, dapat bantu membantu, dapat tolong menolong, dapat bahu membahu dgn rasa persaudaraan & cinta kasih. -GURUH SUKARNO
oleh: Guruh Sukarno Putra (DBS1291822)


Sejalan dengan program Pengentasan K2I (Kebodohan, Kemiskinan dan Infrastruktur) yang sedang berjalan, DBS merupakan salah satu solusi yang paling cerdas dan efisien saat ini dalam mendukung program Pemerintah Daerah Riau tersebut. Sistem kerja yang sederhana serta modal yang "merakyat", menjadikan bisnis mudah dipahami, dijalankan dan dirasakan manfaatnya bagi segala lapisan masyarakat. Ditunjang dengan telah berdirinya Kantor Perwakilan DFI Riau yang segera diresmikan dalam waktu dekat ini, menjadikan bisnis ini semakin mantap dalam melayani masyarakat yang ingin mengangkat taraf kehidupannya. Saya mengundang masyarakat Riau untuk bergabung dan SUKSES bersama DBS. Fastaabiqul Khairaat!!! -H.M. Rusli Zainal, SE. MP. Gubernur Riau-oleh: H. M. RUSLI ZAINAL, SE. MP. (DBS4037750)

Salam Damai...saudaraku

"Kemerdekaan adalah hak segala bangsa!" Merdeka dalam berkarya, Merdeka dalam menentukan pilihan dan merdeka dalam meraih Harapan. Harapan untuk hidup layak, Harapan untuk meraih impian dan harapan untuk sejahtera agar dapat berbagi pada sesama. Saatnya kita bangkit dan bergandeng tangan untuk negara yang kita cintai, lepaskan sikap ketergantungan pada bangsa lain untuk mampu hidup mandiri. Semuanya ada disini......salah satunya sebuah karya intelektual anak bangsa dengan melahirkan sebuah sistem yang berbasis pada pergerakan ekonomi kerakyatan untuk meraih kesejahteraan secara makro. DBS solusi tepat yang patut kita ikuti tanpa ada interpensi diri. BERSATULAH...saudaraku, selagi kita masih bernafas di bumi ini, raih harapan selagi masih ada kesempatan buat kita. Wassalam, -Iwan Fals- 


kata Pak Ustad kalau segalanya diniatkan Ibadah,itu sangat bagus mudah-mudahan Bisnis DBS kita juga jadi pahala ibadah. Pribahasa Sunda "Lamun keyeng tangtu pareng" (kalau kita konsisten pasti sukses), tangtu kudu gawe bareng (kerja sama/gotongroyong). Kalau gak salah itu teh ada di 7 langkah sukses,yah para Leader ?. Dan kalau presentasi ditolak jangan Dukun bertindak ya....... ketawa aja hehehe....! kenapa harus ketawa ? karena kasihan Dia gak mau berubah. Hayu urang lembur ulah siga si Kabayan.tunjukeun urang oge bisa GO FREEDOM LAH!! -PEPPY JENGGOT- oleh: PEPPY JENGGOT (DBS3852025)


Dari teladan yang telah dahulu masuk jadi member DBS seperti KH.Abdullah Gymnastiar, Bpk Guruh Soekarno Putra dan Dr M.Antonio syafii.Maka dengan itu Saya bagian dari profesi Artis sangat tertarik dengan sistem yang ada di DBS dan sangat bangga juga karena diciptakan oleh asli putra bangsa Indonesia, yang mana menyerap tenaga kerja disaat yang lain melakukan PHK. Mudah-mudahan Selebritis yang lainnya bisa meneladaninya. -NIA DANIATY-oleh: NIA DANIATY (DBS2563425)

Anda tertarik untuk bergabung ? Untuk keterangan klik  
atau hubungi Sdr.Heru Gusyanto HP: 08161184774  atau 021-5252465


Program 5 Milyar

Selamat Datang di Program 5MILYAR!!! adalah sebuah website bisnis online dengan sistem otomatis yang dikelola oleh beberapa orang IT Profesional. Sesuai dengan namanya, Program 5MILYAR akan memberikan anda peluang pendapatan hingga 5MILYAR dalam waktu relatif singkat dengan melakukan 2 langkah mudah:
  1. Beli Produk Program 5MILYAR, sekali saja (detail produk lihat di menu "Produk")
    (ini sekaligus menjadi biaya pendaftaran anda, tidak ada lagi biaya setelah ini, selamanya)

    Disamping produk, anda juga akan mendapatkan sebuah Website Replika.
    (Website Replika adalah website atas nama anda sendiri yg akan anda dapatkan secara
    otomatis setelah keanggotaan anda diaktifkan, dengan format:
    Tampilannya persis seperti website sponsor anda yg anda lihat sekarang)

  2. Sebarkan link website replika anda tsb ke siapa saja: teman, sodara, tetangga, rekan kantor, dll, dan ajak mereka bergabung lewat website replika anda tsb.
    Anda akan mendapatkan komisi setiap kali ada orang yg bergabung melalui website replika anda dan website replika member anda sedalam 5 level (baca Penjelasan)
  3. Investasi cuma Rp.180.000,- penghasilan bisa 5 Milyar, anda tertarik ? Silakan klik di 

Asetmandiri - Cara Mudah membangun Aset

Bahkan, Tanpa Melakukan Apa-apapun anda akan 
Tetap Menjadi Jutawan 
Hanya Jika Anda Mau!

Simak apa kata rekan kita yang sudah mencoba untuk membangun asetnya di internet..
Thanks to asetmandiri...luar biasa sekali, teryata pekerjaan online lebih mudah dari pekerjaan offline komisi untuk sy langsung ditransfer pada hari yang sama saat investor baru sy diaktifkan, bener2 bisa diandalkan bahkan transfer dilengkapi dengan angka unik..sangat memuaskan.. berturut-turut data transfer yg sy trima 100.572, 20.016, 105.622, 105.243, 20.017, 105.000, 50.311, 105.302 105.327 dst...ternyata asetmandiri menepati janji trasfer dgn angka unik sesuai dgn email konfirmasi dr investor baru sy... wah3... kredibilitasnya top abis sesuai dengan programnya ..apresiasi tinggi untuk anda...
Ir Joko Setiawan - Jakarta -
Awalnya sich ngak percaya dengan program-program investasi di internet, habis janjinya muluk-muluk melulu.. tapi setelah lihat situs asetmandiri saya tertarik untuk daftar ( karena memang gratis daftarnya..hehehe ) awalnya iseng,lama-kelaman setelah mempelajari  support sistemnya ehhhh ,, ternyata luaaar biasaaa. Suwer, disini tanpa iklan tanpa cari downlinepun kita masih  bisa punya pendapatan,berbeda dengan bisnis-bisnis online yang lain yang mengharuskan saya untuk mencari member agar dapat komisi 50% atau bahkan 25% kaciaan dech aku kalau ngak  promo ya ngak dapet apa-apa.. makasih buat aset mandiri belum satu minggu join udah dapet Rp. 1.000.000 dan hebatnya yang Rp. 280.000-nya dari bonus randomizer systemnya(alias gratis..)SEKARANG! genap 1 bulan asetku sudah membengkak menjadi 35 juta WoW!…. Trimakasih tuhan.,trimakasih aset mandiri… saya akan buktikan menjadi yang pertama untuk dapetin 1 milyar disini.
gani -

Bersama Kita Bisa!!
Asetmandiri Adalah sebuah program investasi briliant yang akan merubah anda menjadi seorang yang memiliki kebebasan finansial selamanya. Anda akan memiliki penghasilan secara Unlimited / Terus - Menerus bahkan ketika Anda sedang berlibur atau tidur sekalipun. Tidak hanya itu, Rekening bank anda juga akan kebanjiran Rupiah terus-menerus tanpa terkendali.
Apakah ini kehidupan anda saat ini..??
  • Apakah Anda sudah berusaha keras mencari uang, namun hasil yang
    didapat belum juga memuaskan..??
  • Apakah Anda tipe orang yang P 3 M [ Pergi Pagi Pulang Malam] ,
    Anda merasa STRESS setiap hari, tertekan karena intimidasi bos Anda..??
  • Atau mungkin Anda seorang Mahasiswa yang sudah lulus Sarjana tapi
    masih saja belum mendapatkan pekerjaan, atau bahkan masih menganggur.?
  • Anda tidak tahu harus berbuat apa untuk segera keluar dari semua tekanan dan realita kehidupan yang sedang anda hadapi..?
  • Anda pusing memikirkan kebutuhan rumah tangga yang semakin sulit
    seiring dengat makin terpuruknya perekonomian negara kita..??
Kini anda tidak perlu lagi mengalami hal-hal yang tidak berguna ini!!
Simak dengan cermat informasi ini.......
STOP NEGTING!!! (Negatif Thinking)
Jauh.. jauhkan pikiran ini dari diri anda,karena inilah yang akan menyebabkan anda menyesal dikemudian hari.. dan SELAMAT!!!  anda sudah berada di media yang tepat untuk merubah kehidupan Anda yang biasa menjadi luar biasa, dan yang sudah luar biasa menjadi Super luar biasa. Disini anda akan bisa memiliki aset yang bekerja untuk anda 24 jam setiap hari sampai kapanpun…
Apakah ini yang anda inginkan…
Anda Ingin Bebas Finansial..??
Ingin Uang Mengalir Terus ke Rekening Anda..??
Apakah Anda Ingin Memiliki Penghasilan Tanpa Batas..??
Ingin Merubah Hidup Anda Saat ini Juga..!!

Sistem akan bekerja
24 Jam Non STOP
untuk memberikan penghasilan melimpah yang tak pernah anda fikirkan sebelumnya.. ini akan menjadi aset anda yang berkembang terus-menerus tanpa ada seorangpun  yang bisa menghentikanya...

Bila anda tertarik untuk bergabung silakan klik dibawah ini