Article services can give your article marketing a massive boost by providing you with professionally written articles that you would struggle to write yourself and still maintain the other 101 things needed to maintain a profitable online business.
This is not to suggest that you cannot write articles yourself - of course you can - but it can be time-consuming to write in a manner that attracts readers, keeps them reading and then compels them to click the links in your resource to reach your website.
Sure, you can do that yourself, but do you have the time? Likely not, because most people heavily involved with an online business want to spend their time developing their websites, expanding their product range, writing their autoresponder replies and perhaps even squeeze pages and free courses and reports. What time is left to write compelling articles and submit them? Next to none!
Article services can do that for you - not only write your articles but also submit them. However, there is always an associated cost, and you have to determine what the cost of your article services are in respect of the benefits you receive. There are two basic ways of looking at this, and while it is not possible to quantify them for individual cases, you can at least consider them with respect to yourself, individually.
1. Saving Time
It takes time to write a good article. Those that claim to teach you how to write a great winning article in 15 minutes are taking nonsense. You might write 300 words about your product, but that won't impress anybody, and won't be accepted by many of the important directories that require a minimum 500 word count or even more.
Also, can you write compellingly? Can you persuade a reader that your product is better than the next guys without being allowed to mention your product or even your website? It doesn't sound that easy does it. You won't learn that skill quickly! How long will it take? I know people that work for an hour or more on a 500 word article just to get the spelling and grammar right!
Spelling counts a great deal, and a spell checker won't tell that 'there' should be 'their' or the difference between any other homonym. In spite of what you have heard, grammar also counts with a number of people. An article with no errors in its grammar will attract more visitors to the link on the resource than the same article full of schoolboy errors. That's a fact, not an opinion!
So, how long will it take you? Figure that out against the cost of the article from a site offering professional article services. If the money spent is worth the time saved, then it makes sense. If not, then it doesn't. Your choice, but it is a logical and economic one as all business choices should be - not based upon opinion but on facts.
2. Now for the benefits.
You cannot assess the true worth of the time saved by using articles services for your article marketing strategy until you are fully aware of the benefits. There are four main benefits:
a) You can submit your article to directories and ezines. For each of these that accept your article you will receive a share of the PageRank of the web page on which your article is published. Forget the PR published for the home page of each directory - that is irrelevant because you get a share only of the page on which your article is published based upon the other outgoing links from that page. However, it improves your Google PageRank score.
b) Contrary to what many believe, visitors to article directories read the articles. You can get several hundred people reading your article each month if the title attracts them.
c) Many people use published articles as content for their websites. This is particularly popular with those that use Adsense and other contextual advertising systems to monetize pages on their sites. To do so, they must also include your resource that publishes your website links, so you get Google PageRank points from the links back to your website from the page on which your article has been used.
d) Naturally, anybody visiting that other website can click on your links and visit a page on your website. That page must lead readers to a page that relates to the topic of the article you have written, and also contain a link at least to your home page.
All in all, when you consider the benefits of article marketing and the amount, not only of traffic, but also of Google PageRank it can give you, then it might make sense to use professional article services to have your article written professionally.
A professional article will be more likely to attract readers and keep them on the page till they click on your link. After that it is up to you, but the same service can also be used to provide the content that will them keep the visitor on that page and perhaps even purchase your products or services.
Is it worth it to you? That is for you to decide, but just as you would consider professional SEO services, advertising services and emailing services as possibilities to help you market your business, so article marketing is an aspect of advertising that good, professional article services can look after for you, leaving you to do what you do best. Make money!